Best Sales Rep ERP Software | Shadobooks ERP


The dashboard for sales agents in Shadobooks ERP is expected to display key data reports , which may include:

➟ The number of agents,
➟ The number of active and inactive agents,
➟ The total number of programs,
➟ The total number of orders,
➟ The number of orders that have been delivered.

Sales Rep Software
Sales Rep Software


➟ In ShadobooksERP, a sales representative is a user with the ability to view & manage projects and track sales and customer interactions within the system.

In order to create a new sales agent in ShadobooksERP, you can follow these steps:

➟ Click on the "New Agent" button.
➟ Fill in the necessary information for the new agent, including their name, contact information, and other relevant details.
➟ Click on the "Save" button to create the new agent.


In ShadobooksERP an “Agent program” sub-module helps to manage agents, including

➟ Creating new agents,
➟ Updating agent information, and
➟ Tracking agent performance.

You can receive a particular agent information by entering their name and agent group from the list of agents.

Sales Rep Software
Sales Rep Software


➟ The order page displays all the orders placed by the agents.
➟ Use the search filters available to narrow down the order list to view the specific agent's order.
➟ You can also filter the orders by Agent.

➟ Click on the specific order to view the details.

Client 1


Client 2


Client 3


Client 4


Client 5

Accounting voucher

Client 7


Client 8

Knowledge Base