Reports Module

Reports Module

Reports are crucial for managing the financial well-being of your organization. They enable tracking of all financial transactions within a specific period, providing detailed insights into various aspects of your business such as sales, purchases, inventory, and activity logs.

Accounting Reports

Accounting Reports are essential tools for evaluating a business’s financial health by summarizing and analyzing all its transactions over a period. This provides insights into financial transactions, revenue, expenses, and profitability related to customer interactions.

Financial Evaluation

Financial Evaluation

Easy Audits

Easy Audits





Who can benefit from accounting reporting?

The key features ensure that projects are well-planned, executed efficiently, and completed successfully.









Trail Balance

Trail Balance

A Trial Balance is a fundamental accounting report that lists all the balances of ledger accounts at a specific point in time.

If the total debits are equal to the total credits, the trial balance is balanced, if not there is an error in the ledgers.

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet

Profit & loss

Profit & loss

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

Ageing Report

Ageing Report

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a financial statement at a specific point in time that presents a clear picture of what the company owns (assets), owes (liabilities), and the residual value for shareholders (equity). Double click to view detailed information about the balance sheet.

Profit and Loss

The profit and loss (P&L) statement, all the profits and losses that you’ve made in your business during a specific period of time. This helps to understand the company’s financial performance and operational efficiency.Double click to view them in detail.

Profit and Loss
Statement of Cash Flow

Statement of Cash Flow

The Statement of Cash Flows is a financial report that provides a detailed summary of the cash inflows and outflows of a company over a specific period. The report looks at three main things as operations, investments and financing.

Inventory Ageing

An inventory aging report is a financial document that provides key metrics about the status of your inventory, particularly how long each item of inventory typically spends in storage before being sold or utilized. The report is typically divided into different age categories.

Inventory Ageing
Receivable Ageing

Receivable Ageing

The Account Receivable reports help you keep track of how much money your customers owe you. It also shows you how long the money has been outstanding, dividing it into periods. This report displays sales invoices that haven't been paid yet, both from the current month and from previous months.

Payable Ageing

A Payable Ageing is an essential accounting report that helps businesses manage their outstanding payables to suppliers and creditors. This report displays purchase invoices that remain unpaid, both from the current month and from previous months.

Payable Ageing

Inventory Reports

An Inventory Report is a document that outlines the current inventory levels a business holds during a specific period. Inventory reports are important for business to manage their inventory levels, optimize purchasing decisions, prevent stockouts or overstock situations, and ensure efficient use of resources correctly.

Stock Summary

Stock Summary

Update Accounting

Update Accounting

Cost of Sales

Cost of Sales

Closing Stock

Closing Stock

Stock Summary Report

Stock Summary Report

The Stock Summary Report shows the quantity of items purchased and sold for a given period. It provides information on stock items such as stock open, inwards, outwards and closing stock. It is useful for a quick check on stock availability.

Cost of Sales

The cost of sales indicates the selling price of the items that have been sold. This information becomes accessible when delivery vouchers and invoices are made.

Cost of Sales
Closing Stock

Closing Stock

A closing stock report is a financial document that outlines the value and quantity of inventory remaining at the end of an accounting period.