
Purchase Module

The Purchase Module is an essential component of any procurement process, helping streamline and manage various stages of purchasing activities. This module includes the following sections: Items, Vendor, Purchase Request, Purchase Quotation, Purchase Order, Receiving Voucher, Invoice, and Debit Note.

How to Add Items ?

In the Items section, users can create or add new items to the inventory and specify the opening stock. Required details include Item Code (unique identifier), Item Name, Item Type (category), Unit of the Item (measurement unit like pieces or kilograms), Opening Stock Rate (cost per unit), and Stock Quantity (initial stock). Additional details such as SKU code, SKU name, and HSN name can also be provided.


Item Code & Item Name

Anycast Network

Item Type & Unit Type

Argo Smart Routing

Opening Stock

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Stock Quantity

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crm sights


The Vendor section is where users manage all necessary vendor information, which is essential for handling purchase transactions effectively. When creating a new vendor, users need to input a variety of details to ensure complete and accurate records. These details include the Vendor Code, which is a unique identifier for each vendor, and the Company Name, representing the vendor's business. If applicable, users must also provide the vendor’s VAT Number to comply with tax regulations. Additionally, the section requires the primary Billing and Shipping Addresses to streamline the logistics and ensure that invoices and goods are sent to the correct locations. Another important aspect is the Return Policy, which can be specified based on the vendor's terms. This ensures that any returns are handled according to predefined agreements, reducing potential disputes and misunderstandings. By maintaining comprehensive vendor profiles, users can facilitate smoother transactions, enhance vendor relationships, and improve the overall efficiency of the procurement process.


Vendor Code


Company Name

VAT Number

VAT Number

Return Policy

Return Policy

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Purchase Request

A Purchase Request is used to request materials from a vendor. When creating a purchase request, the process begins by selecting a vendor. Users can choose an existing vendor or create a new one if necessary. Additionally, there is an option to select the relevant department, ensuring that the request is properly categorized.

The next step involves selecting the requestor responsible for the purchase. Requestor IDs can be created in the setup menu to streamline this process. Once the requestor is chosen, users then select the required items from a dropdown menu, making it easy to specify exactly what is needed.

Finally, the purchase request is completed by finalizing and sending it to the vendor. This step confirms all the details and formally submits the request, ensuring that the vendor can process and fulfill the order efficiently.

Purchase Quotation

Purchase Quotation

Purchase Order

Purchase Order

Receiving Voucher

Receiving Voucher


Purchase Invoice

shadobooks-purchase quotation

Purchase Quotation

In the Purchase Quotation section, users can create quotations for items with their prices. This section allows users to add items along with their price tags, ensuring that all pricing details are accurately recorded.

Another key feature is the ability to handle tax information. Users can choose to create quotations with or without tax, depending on their specific requirements, providing flexibility in how quotations are presented.

Additionally, the Purchase Quotation section offers convenient conversion options. Users can convert a purchase request into a quotation or create a new one directly, streamlining the process and improving efficiency.

Purchase Order

A Purchase Order can be created either directly or by using data from a purchase request. Key elements include specifying the expected delivery date, including the price of items and adding applicable taxes (with new tax types created in the setup menu), adding any necessary remarks, and printing the purchase order as a PDF document.


Receiving Voucher

A Receiving Voucher can only be created from an existing purchase order and serves as a record of items received. Important aspects include a reference to the original purchase order, status approval (allowing it to be converted into an invoice once approved), and integration of data into reports.

Purchase Invoice

Invoices can be generated directly or by converting a receiving voucher into an invoice. Features include applying discounts to the invoice and processing payments either from the invoice section or in bulk from accounting vouchers.

purchase order
purchase invoice

Debit Notes

Debit Notes are used for returning items and require an existing invoice to create a debit note. Only one debit note entry can be made per invoice. Each of these sections plays a crucial role in managing the purchasing workflow, ensuring a smooth and efficient procurement process. By utilizing this module, businesses can maintain better control over their inventory, vendor relationships, and financial transactions.