Best Point of Sale System | Shadobooks ERP

Point of Sale System

To create an order, go to the point of sale module in Shadobook ERP

➟ Click the "Order List" option, In the window that opens, click the "Create Order" tab

➟ To create a return order, click the "Create Return Order" tab

➟ Enter details such as the order return number, sales order, phone number, order date, customer, etc.

➟ Click the save button, The order list will now be visible in list view. After the sale is complete, if a consumer has a query about a product, they may quickly create a Ticket from the POS.

Point of Sale System

Products Setup

ERP in Shadobook offers product setup through POS, Portal, WooCommerce, and Pre-Order channels

Each channel has separate setting options.

To create a product setup, go to the point of sale module in Shadobook ERP, Click the "Product Setup" option.

The channels will be visible in this window, and you can select the desired channel to set up the product.

Point of Sale System

Trade Discount

In the window, there is an option to create a trade discount, There are separate tabs such as Promotions and Vouchers.

To add a new trade discount, click the "Add New" button in each tab.

Enter fields such as the trade discount's name, start date, formal discount, etc... , Click the save button.

The trade discount list will now be visible in Shadobook ERP.

Point of Sale System

Diary sync

To get the diary sync in Shadobook ERP, go to the point of sale module

Click the "Diary Sync" option, From here, you can access the following list options

Product (from store information + image),Description,Price,Orders and Inventory management.

Click on each tab to access the relevant information, All information is displayed in list format.Product (from store information + image), Description, Price, Orders and Inventory management.

Point of Sale System

Shift Management

To access the shift management feature, select the option by clicking on the point of sale module.

To create a new shift, click the "Create Shift" button.

Enter the new open shift balance, Click the "Save" button.

Shift management list can be seen in list format.

Point of Sale System


Shadobook ERP has an E-commerce option for conducting business through an online store.

To access this option, go to the point of sale module.

Select the E-commerce option.

This will open the online store login window to conduct business. Companies can monitor and gather information on sales and customer data that is associated with the use of Web hooks.

Point of Sale System


Setting in point of sale is the configuration of the system

Setting up the automatic sync config.

Order setting.

Default setting.

Client 1


Client 2


Client 3


Client 4


Client 5

Accounting voucher

Client 7


Client 8

Knowledge Base